What is your returns policy?

Unfortunately if your item(s) are personalised we can not accept returns on any products because of change of mind. However, if there is any reason the product does not meet the described standards please get in touch with us via email and we will do our best to resolve it to your satisfaction.

Faulty Items

If your item is faulty please contact us so we can remedy the situation, we will try our best to replace, but if unable to do so we will offer a full refund for the faulty item. 

Cancellation of Order 

If you cancel your order after production has begun, the amount of the refund will be determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the stage of production and any costs incurred.

Change of Mind

We reserve the right to withhold a portion of your purchase to cover the fees incurred should you change your mind after placing your order and request a refund.